Just wanted to show you the technique I marbleized my newest original creation.
If you have any questions, please feel free to write it down in the comment section, I´ll answer as soon as possible :-).
The things I used can be found here:
High density foam: https://cosplayshop.be/en/product/eva…
Flexipaint: https://cosplayshop.be/en/product/fle…
Matt no tack! top coat: https://cosplayshop.be/en/product/fle…
White acrylic: e.g. https://www.creativ-discount.de/Marab… (you can use every cheap waterbased acrylic paint from your hardware store
Magic Marble by Kreul: https://www.creativ-discount.de/Magic… or https://www.amazon.de/Kreul-73613-Mar…
Marble colors used: white 73201, Mademoiselle Rosé matt 73234, Volcanic grey matt 73237, light blue 73210, Noble nougat matt 73236
Videomaterial by Psychette Cosplay
Videoedit by Ben Blutzukker